Our learning services have been designed on evidence-based concepts and innovative methodologies according to WHO requirements, chronic illness management, team effectiveness, emotional intelligence, Theory U.

Team Effectiveness

Teams are the new heroes

We work wigh strategic teams of pharma companies improving their effectiveness, through customized programs that aim the enhancement, management and development of talent and resources, favoring cross-functional collaboration.


Talent-based global approach©: we offer a 360° Talent Management Approach going from individual and team Talent assessment and awareness, through Talent-based feed-back, up to a full Talent governance to be aligned with Skills and Values. Combined with an Appreciative Inquiry mindset, this approach leads Individuals and Teams into a Talent Systemic deep-dive in order to fully express their Potential.


Talent-based global approach©: we offer a 360° Talent Management Approach going from individual and team Talent assessment and awareness, through Talent-based feed-back, up to a full Talent governance to be aligned with Skills and Values. Combined with an Appreciative Inquiry mindset, this approach leads Individuals and Teams into a Talent Systemic deep-dive in order to fully express their Potential.


Modern Health Care is delivered by teams rather than individuals and requires cooperation of healthcare professionals from multiple disciplines.

Health Care Systems around the world are looking for innovative, system transforming solutions that will ensure the appropriate supply, mix and distribution of the health workforce and the delivery of high-quality services .

One of the most promising solutions can be found in interprofessional collaboration.

Our workshops and coaching sessions are focused on the learning and practice of Interprofessional Collaboration competencies and how these skills can improve  team effectiveness, professional satisfaction, patient safety, preventive care and chronic illness management.


Failure of communication has been identified as a common cause in medical errors. Effective transmission of information between HCP and improvement of the HCP/patient communication are needed for safe and effective patient care.

In these workshops HCPs will learn and practice:

  • the fundamental principles of communication
  • specific techniques to improve information sharing
  • new skills and attitudes to improve the patient empowerment, shifting from a paternalistic medical model to a collaborative model. 


Failure of communication has been identified as a common cause in medical errors. Effective transmission of information between HCP and improvement of the HCP/patient communication are needed for safe and effective patient care.

In these workshops HCPs will learn and practice:

  • the fundamental principles of communication
  • specific techniques to improve information sharing
  • new skills and attitudes to improve the patient empowerment, shifting from a paternalistic medical model to a collaborative model. 



“A process through which people gain greater control over decisions and actions a ffecting their health”

(Health promotion glossary. Geneva: W orld H ealth Organization; 1998)

We work alongside Healthcare professionals in order to increase their ablity to enable patients empowerment through acquisition of effective communication skills, creating empathy with patient, be able to manage the coaching approach and methods of shared decision making.

We interact with patient associations to generate sustainable solutions to improve patient care.

In the last 20 years we have worked with

Professionals in the Health Care System and Managers in the Pharma Companies

Do you want to know more about SYLENYX?

Send us a message and we will contact You

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